Title: The Four: Destruction of Honor
Author: Zola Blue
Genre: Epic Fantasy, Mythology
Book Blurb:
Book one begins the fantasy epic, where a race of powerful magic users, living upon the planet Ercutis, promised to only use their magic for the good of their people and not interfere with the lives of others upon the earth or other planets.
The left the ways of their elders, and began to meddle with the earthling, creating havoc among them. Because they left the ways of their elders, they cursed themselves, and their lands began dying. The race faces imminent annihilation.
A wizard, wizardess, sorcerer, sorceress combine their magic forces to become "The Great One - Thire-los." The Great One brings back order within the village, but cannot return their ability to have offspring. Thire-los uses their special magic and creates offspring, called Mejuarian, to carry on the existence of the Ercutians.
On the fourth moon at midnight, Lotus, Thie, Os, and Ireania met in the garden's grassy field to make sure that no other Ercutians were aware of their plot.
“Don’t break the circle,” Thie told them. Neither magic user was exactly sure what was about
to occur. Nervously they waited in anticipation for Thie to finish his incantations.
“Roj ixeal cd’aozro epo,” he commanded loudly in the old tongue.
“Let four become one.”
Violently, Thie’s staff began to vibrate, and surges of forceful water came from it and shot into the chests of Lotus, Thie, Os, and Ireania. Its force was so strong that it held them captive, and their bodies drifted upward off the ground. Lost beneath a curtain of energy radiating from their bodies, Thie’s wooden staff glowed vividly, and its power drained their energies, magic, and identities.
Suddenly, a focused flash of bright red light radiated outward from the staff and impregnated fields around them in an intense red light that made it look like the meadow was ablaze. Encased in an inescapable pocket of water, their bodies trembled helplessly; they continued to hang from streams of water that seized each of them in four watery bubbles. Moments later, Thie’s wooden staff sucked back its turbulent commotion, and the inflamed reddish light disappeared. Again, darkness covered them. Mighty waters abated as well, and Thie, Lotus, Os and Ireania fell back upon soft grasslands. The ground quaked, and a fierce wind erupted, and while their bodies lay lifelessly upon the grass, omnipotent colored lightning bolts whirled out and upward from each of them.
The spectral lights jetted into the heavens. Blue, silver, black, and gold forces reached upward, twisted themselves into a single strand of rainbow-colored light that turned into a bright star. It then plummeted downward and hovered over their lifeless bodies, until Thie’s, Lotus', Os’, and Ireania’s bodies disappeared, sucked into the organ of bright light. Their bodies life force, emotions, and magic were consumed into a bright star, and it rested upon Thie’s staff, hovering. Moments later, the star shattered, and everything grew quiet, and nothing moved. An explosion of light suddenly broke out above the ground and an Ercutian male grasping Thie’s staff appeared.
Thire-los’ muscular body filled out the black robe that Thie always wore. It no longer hung loosely, instead fitted snuggly over Os’ immense shape. Strong, burly arms lifted above his head and held the staff tightly until the strong surges of its power curtailed. Thie’s face, no longer hidden, had a silvery complexion upon a blemish-free face, and it appeared to glow mystically as Ireania’s once did. Aqua blue eyes, those that belonged to Lotus, peered out from a face that radiated youth. However, Thie’s facial features appeared to be dominant in Thire-los, but his hair was no longer thin, but thick, long, heavy strands crinkled slightly.
Thire-los was all of them and none of them at the same time. There was a magic potency that surrounded Thire-los, unimaginable by each of them alone. The staff shook as if the power within was too strong, they grasped it in a tight grip as it quivered forcefully. An unconquerable surge of force took over.
In a brief instant, Thie, Lotus, Os, and Ireania had become one. Thire-los was born.
Nevertheless, they were one with multiple personalities, thoughts, feelings, and abilities. Each of them continued to exist. Their ideas were clearer, and emotions once foreign to them now flooded within all of their minds, creating sensations that they never realized existed.
Thie felt Lotus’ love for others. Ireania experienced the greatness of Os’ anger. Lotus knew things she never imagined with the injection of Thie’s knowledge, and Os felt Ireania’s compassion for nature, something he never longed for or desired.
“None are greater than we,” Thire-los bellowed. “I can feel my fearsome power.”
Mount Theos Palace was soon built by Thire-los. Its ornate build hovered miles above Talxenau and sat upon fluffy clouds high in the sky. It represented the influence and authority that they had reached, for they built it with white pristine enchanted marble that was mined by the Ercutians centuries ago, but had been locked away by elders because of its unique properties. Even so, with no one to stand against them, Thire-los used these sacred materials to create their ornate floating castle walls. Pillars of polished gold floated above invisible floors, encapsulating Thie’s extravagance and Lotus’ need for beauty. For Ireania, lovely flowers bloomed in crystal vases, and for Os there were stone statues of fearsome winged creatures resting upon brightly shining pedestals. An invisible enchanted floor made Mount Theos Palace appear as if it rested upon puffy white clouds, and it needed no light fixtures, magical fires, or oil lamps since it had no roof.
Because Thie loathed disorder, he considered most things unnecessary clutter. Except for the pillars, Os’ statues and Ireania’s flowers, only their throne decorated their magnificent palace. Mount Theos Palace had a haunting, mystical emptiness.
Thire-los rested upon their decorative throne made of ivory, which Os brought back with him from his exploits on Earth. There they planned to judge the Ercutians that left Ercutis as well as those who brought harm to magic users and their kingdom. Three stairs led upward to its seat, and upon its front were images of giant sea serpents. Long, scaled bodies snaked down massive stone arms, and the tips of their tails sat intertwined upon the first stair. Painted in delightful blues to resemble scaly bodies, the powerful water creatures had an almost realistic appearance. Deep, serpent eyes glared cold-bloodedly forward as if they too prepared to judge those guilty before Thire-los.
The throne had a deep seat and high back, and purple pillows stuffed with soft feathers folded around their body when Thire-los rested upon it. Os desired comfort and refused to spend long hours on any solid surface, and long hours they did spend on that seat for violators were brought to humbly kneel before them upon an ivory saucer-shaped platform below, showing the honor to Thire-los that they deserved.
“I do not know why they must kneel,” Lotus remarked one day. Thie and Os believed this necessary to strengthen their leadership, but Lotus and Ireania, sensitive characters of love and compassion as they were, did not agree.
“I agree with Lotus. This is not necessary. Everyone will know that Thire-los will be king over them.”
“It does not matter if they know or not. They will bow,” said Thie.
Buy Links:
Chapters: https://www.chapters.indigo.ca/en-ca/home/search/?keywords=the%20four%20zola%20blue#internal=1
Barnes and Noble: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/s/the+four+zola+blue?_requestid=7637316

I’m one of the authors participating in the Spooky Halloween Bookish Giveaway and you can win a Mejuarian Series Swag Pack (print copy, small writing tablet, a personalized message from one of the Four) generously donated by Zola Blue (US only) plus more.
Runs October 1 - 31 and is open internationally for most prizes.
Winners will be drawn on November 2, 2020.
Author Biography
Born in Florida, I am a resident of the US. Now I reside on a lovely island in British Columbia, Canada, with my husband, two dogs, and one cat. During the early years of my life, I worked in the business industry, thus obtaining my degree in Business Management.
I love to read, and over my lifetime, I have probably read hundreds of books. Now that life has given a bit more time to concentrate on my personal life, I am following God and writing fun, fanciful fiction stories, which blend over into the fantasy realm.
I hope that each time I put words on the paper, it makes you want to read it. I always hope someone has fallen in love with my words and wants to continue reading them.
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