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The Girl Who Knew Death by Norm Harris is a Summertime Event pick #paranormal #thriller #giveaway

Title: The Girl Who Knew Death

Author: Norm Harris

Genre: Thriller, Mystery, Military, Paranormal Espionage

Book Blurb:

Princess spy Kat meets Death in an epic showdown.

Navy lawyer and former First Daughter Faydra (Fay) Green is no longer haunted by the dark memories of her past, but what about her adopted daughter, Katrinka (Kat)? Fay’s world is once again turned upside down when a shocking secret about her adopted daughter, Katrinka (Kat), is revealed. For Kat, her nightmarish reality is just beginning. Before Fay can help Kat make any decisions about her future, Kat is captured and thrown into an Egyptian prison. She manages to escape but must flee to safety across Europe, trying to stay one step ahead of numerous unseen pursuers. Faydra’s grip on certainty distorts as she confronts the angel of death whose interest in Kat is unsettling. Can Faydra and Kat stay one step ahead of Lady Death and demons? Will Kat determine her own future, or will she allow it to choose her?


Azrael proceeded through the door as Kat closed it behind her.

Azrael surveyed the room. “Nice place. Fit for a queen,” she said.

Yeah. Right,” Kat replied. “You want beer?”


Kat retrieved a bottle from the refrigerator, opened the top with her pocketknife, then handed it to Azrael. “Have seat,” she offered. “We talk.”

Azrael sipped the beer. She smiled and looked at the bottle. “Beer over the centuries has greatly improved. The piss they served five hundred years ago was pathetic. Carbonation is the secret,” Azrael said. She took a second sip.

Katrinka replied, “I would imagine many things have improved over the millennia.”

True,” Azrael agreed. “Except for humans. All was going well until Gen Y came along. No offence.”

None taken.” Katrinka pressed, “What of the deal you suggested?”

Oh, yeah, yeah,” Azrael said. “I almost forgot. There was a reason I came to see you.”

With some doubt evident on her face, Katrinka reminded the forgetful Angel of Death, “The soul for a soul. Me for Faya.”

Azrael’s face brightened. “The deal. Well, I have been thinking about it.”

Katrinka became worried. Was Azrael going back on the offer? “Me for Faya. That was the offer,” she stated firmly.

Azrael smiled. She took another sip of beer. “Great drink,” she said. “I have another offer for you. You probably won’t like it but hear me out.”

Katrinka continued speaking to Lady Death in the Russian language. “You speak my language well.”

“I’m not one to brag. Well, yes, I am one to brag,” Azrael replied. “I’m fluent in over ten million languages,” she boasted, “give or take.”

Katrinka began to grow impatient. “The deal?” she prompted.

Azrael looked at Katrinka. “You wouldn’t happen to have a cigar, would you?” she asked.

Katrinka’s eyes lit up. “No, but I do have a cigarette.”

Azrael shook her head, no. “I don’t touch the stuff.”

Katrinka now reasoned if she could keep Azrael’s mind off of the deal, she may well forget about it. Again.

But no. “I told you, and you figured out some on your own,” Azrael said. “Well played on that one, by the way.”

Spacibo,” Kat replied.

Azrael continued, “My original intention was to claim Fay’s soul. It was her time. And, the truth be known, she was well past her time. By all rights, she should have drowned on the mission a few years ago there in the Yellow Sea. But the dolphins got in the way and saved her.”

She told me,” Kat recalled. “It was awesome.”

Then she outwitted an alligator and a shark at the same time,” Azrael explained. “That one impressed me.”

“Me too.”

“Then there was Roman Justine. I hold Mazikim completely responsible for that wretch Justine trying to kill her, I think it was twice?” Azrael pondered. “Maybe three times? She outwitted him every time. She got him in the end.”

“She has a knack for ducking death, it would seem,” Kat observed.

“Yes,” Azrael agreed. “However, this time is unavoidable.”


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What makes your featured book a must-read?

Of the four books in my thriller series, The Girl Who Knew Death is my favorite. And there is some subtle humor throughout the book. The story was inspired by the motion pictures “Death Take a Holiday”, “Meet Joe Black”, and the recent TV series “Lucifer”. In both films, Death takes a human’s body and on goes the story. My tweak puts Death into Faydra’s life in what I think is a whimsical way.

Readers are intrigued by the storyline and my two strong kick-butt heroines. Read what some reviewers think:

“This is a tale of non-stop thrills and adventure, taking the reader from one country to the next, following two intrepid women as they fight against retaliation, revenge and exquisite danger.” – Goodreads Reviewer

“Norm Harris’ writing will visually captivate readers, dragging them into dynamic scenes of unique characters.” - InD'tale Magazine

“This is Norm Harris’ first foray into paranormal and the writing was exemplary. Through his gift for writing thrillers, he builds layer upon layer and the result is an unputdownable, addictive paranormal thriller.” – N. N. Light’s Book Heaven

Giveaway –

Enter to win a $35 Amazon US or Amazon Canada gift card

Open Internationally. You must have an active Amazon US or CA account to win.

Runs June 23 – July 3, 2022.

Winner will be drawn on July 4, 2022.

Author Biography:

Norm Harris' first novel debuted on an Amazon bestseller list in 2002. It was a one-and-done, but now he's back with a plan to publish the Spider Green Mystery Thriller Series from the first mystery/thriller of days gone by.

Except for time spent in military service, he is a second-generation Seattleite (that's what they call those who dwell in the shadow of Mt. Rainier), with his legal beagle son, K-K, and five giant tropical fish.

Norm's stories spring from his memories of people who he has met and places and the places he has visited as he traveled the world. Diversity, inclusion, and equality are foremost in each story. "Fay is an admirable, tough, brilliant protagonist." said one reviewer. Said another, "Lt Commander Faydra Green from the JAG Corps is a “take no prisoners” protagonist..."

Watch for his four upcoming first quarter 2022 novels, "Fruit of the Poisonous Tree", "Arid Sea", "Deception Pass", and "The Girl Who Knew Death" in what he hopes to be an award-winning mystery thriller series. And in late 2022 his fifth book in the series "Rain and Wind and Fire".

Thank you for reading and if you enjoyed the stories, please consider leaving a review!

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Unknown member
Jun 24, 2022

Wow! Intense -- definitely a hang-onto-the-edge-of-your-seat read!


N. N. Light
N. N. Light
Jun 24, 2022

Thank you, Norm, for sharing your book in our Summertime Books Bookish Event!

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