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The Lyon’s Gambit by USA Today Bestseller Ruth A Casie is a Trick or Treat Bonanza pick #historicalromance #spookyreads #giveaway

Title: The Lyon’s Gambit


Author: Ruth A. Casie


Genre: Historical Romance


Book Blurb:


In a world bound by rules, love becomes the ultimate gambit.


In the glittering world of London, where society dictates everything, Nathaniel, Marquess of St. John, learned the hard way that playing by those rules doesn't always guarantee a happy ending. Jilted by a woman chosen for him by his father, Nathaniel swore off marriage and embraced the life of a steadfast bachelor.


Louise Hartfield is a talented seamstress with a disdain for the ton's rigid expectations. Trapped by her mother's antiquated insistence that as the elder daughter she must wed before her younger sister, Louise scoffs at the idea of conforming to such a preposterous rule.


When Nathaniel and his friends bet on whether love can transcend class, they turn to Mrs. Dove-Lyon, whose Lyon’s Den hosts their daring experiment. As Nathaniel and Louise navigate society’s expectations, they find themselves drawn together in a quest for true love. Will they defy tradition or succumb to its demands? In this high-stakes gamble for love, who will emerge victorious?




London 1819


The Lyon’s Den was a haven of opulence and excitement, a place where fortunes shifted like the tides of the Thames and where the city’s elite gathered to flirt with chance and sometimes, in its shadowed corners, engage in secret rendezvous. Inside, the chandeliers bathed the main room in a warm, golden glow, and the delicate clinking of crystal drinking glasses mixed with the low hum of conversation. It was a world of daring wagers, whispered secrets, and dreams born on the turn of a card.


Amidst the velvet-draped tables and the rich aroma of aged brandy, Nathaniel, Marquess St. John, stood amid the decadence, a reluctant figure caught in the whirlwind of society’s expectations. Skilled in matters of strategy, business, and diplomacy, he clutched his glass, his thoughts drifting far from the table game before him.


With the stakes high, Nathaniel was here to gamble, but not at these games. He had always been a master of control, his every move calculated, his determination unwavering. But tonight. He took a deep draught of the fine brandy, the signature burn making its way down his throat. Tonight, he hoped he was up to his mission.


“Lord St. John, it’s a pleasure to see you here this evening.” Mrs. Dove-Lyon greeted him, her voice warm with surprise. “I have to admit, I wasn’t certain it was you. I even doubted my steward when he notified me you were here. I had to see for myself.”


“Ah, Mr. Boyet. How is he?” Nathaniel remembered the man clearly. Boyet made certain he didn’t get into any trouble, but that was years ago before he left to serve his country.


“He is very well.” Mrs. Dove-Lyon looked him over. “You haven’t changed. You look just as I remember you.”


Absently stroking his chin, he smiled as he greeted the proprietor of the Lyon’s Den. As always, she made a striking entrance. Of moderate height and with a slender figure, she radiated a silent strength that commanded attention. Her eyes gleamed with knowledge and confidence and spoke volumes about the experiences she had faced over the years. She effortlessly transitioned between the roles of a shrewd businesswoman and a woman with heartfelt compassion.


Nathaniel knew her better than most. Colonel Lyon, her deceased husband, was a distant relation of his, a third cousin twice removed.


His smile set the woman to laughing. “To what do I owe this delightful surprise?” He sipped her excellent brandy. “You don’t usually venture out of your private salon.”


“I couldn’t help but notice that you’re not enthusiastic about gambling, though, I do not ever remember a time when you did enjoy the gambling floor. I suspect you’re here for another reason. Come, bring along your brandy, and join me where we won’t be interrupted.”


Before he could respond, she headed for the door, and he followed her toward what he expected was her private salon.


He stepped into a room filled with plush, vibrant-colored fabrics—deep burgundies, regal purples, and shades of gold. The furniture, upholstered with the finest silk, had not changed since his last visit.


Other furnishings were strategically placed—a Louis XVI writing desk, a Queen Anne side table, and a beautifully carved Chippendale armchair. Each piece told a story of refined taste.


A collection of well-worn leather-bound books on the writing desk suggested that Mrs. Dove-Lyon enjoyed literature as much as the scandal sheets that were neatly stacked next to the tomes. A framed painting of her beloved husband, Colonel Sandstrom T. Lyons, hung above the marble fireplace.


Tasteful artwork graced the walls, along with a collection of pastels, as well as pen and ink drawings, all by local artists. Mrs. Dove-Lyon’s signature floral arrangement of fresh flowers—white roses, red tulips, and variegated green ivy— of which she handpicked and arranged daily, graced a small table and gave the room a faint, soothing fragrance.


It was a room anyone in elite society would find comfortable. He appreciated the decor, but he preferred a more casual atmosphere.


A pang hit Nathaniel unexpectedly. He used to call on her at least twice a month, but after his return from Waterloo and steadily assuming more and more of his aging father’s responsibilities, his visits had become less frequent. How time had gotten away from him.


She sat in a high-back armchair and gestured for him to take the seat beside her. “What is all this, Mrs. Dove-Lyon? You’ve always called me Bessie. I thought we were on better terms than that.”


He lowered his head and tried to hide his smile as he took the offered seat. If anything, Mrs. Dov—Bessie always spoke her mind. Society rules be damned. “I must confess, Bessie, gambling is not my preferred pastime. I work too hard for my money to let it slip through my fingers.”


“That is not a secret, at least not to me. Although, I’ve watched your cousin Richard take your mare, Amber Blaze, through her paces on several racecourses and wager quite handsomely. He handles the temperamental mare well. For a moment, I thought you might be here to make a wager on the success of her race in the Regent’s Derby. But no. You are not a gambling man. But you do make me wonder. You do not need to come here to drink. Your cellar is almost as fine as mine.” That made her chuckle. “And you did not ask for me.”


He took a fortifying sip of brandy.


She took a quick breath and placed her hand over her heart, then leaned toward him. “Tell me, Nathaniel, are you here for help finding a wife?”


“Absolutely not.” He nearly spit out the brandy. “I would come here and gamble before I approached you for a match, not that you wouldn’t make an excellent match. Marriage is not something I’m eager to pursue. Although it would greatly please my father.”


He had come close enough to marriage once before. He slammed his mind shut at the thought of that debacle. He gulped down the rest of his brandy and placed the empty glass on the small table next to him. “I’m here because, while I do not gamble, I find myself involved in a wager and need your assistance.”


Bessie studied him and said nothing for three, perhaps four heartbeats.


“After declaring you’re not a betting man. You have my undivided attention.” She poured three fingers of brandy into his glass and warmed her tea with a splash of hot water.


“May I discuss a hypothetical situation?” He had planned and rehashed how to propose what he wanted to do and still he was unnerved.


“Of course.” She rewarded him with a dimpled smile. “Hypothetical discussions often lead to the most interesting insights.”


“Excellent.” Nathaniel eagerly moved forward in his chair, ignoring her purr. “How might two people bridge the gap and promote a greater understanding of each other if they came from different social backgrounds?”


“A fascinating topic, indeed. You surprise me, Nathaniel. This is far from why I thought you came here.” Bessie leaned back. “To bridge such a gap, one would require a setting that encourages interaction between the people on an equal footing, where status and titles are set aside. Does that sound the least bit familiar?” She gestured around her room.


“Precisely.” He nodded, pleased she was agreeable. “Here at the Lyon’s Den, you created the perfect surroundings, but your establishment is limited to your elite invited guests and those whose marital fate has been placed in your hands. Outside these walls, nothing like it exists.” He scooted to the edge of his seat. “Now, imagine a scenario where people from different social backgrounds can easily interact with each other without the constraints of title, holdings, or position.


“I believe it is quite possible, so much so that in discussing the idea with others, I’ve been challenged to prove that my idea is achievable. I’ve been charged to bring a variety of people together under the premise of a social experiment.”


“An experiment, you say?” Bessie raised an elegant eyebrow. “What sort of experiment?”


“Ah, that’s the intriguing part.” Nathaniel’s eyes twinkled, and one corner of his mouth curled slightly upward, giving him a mischievous expression. “Participants would interact without the burden of their social identities. Their true characters would come to the forefront, unhindered by titles, expectations, or rules. The experiment would be declared a success if the interactions resulted in the participants connecting.”


“It sounds both daring and enlightening.” She raised her teacup and studied Nathaniel over the rim. “But would society truly embrace such an experiment? The lines between the classes run deep.”


“Society’s expectations often restrict the potential for genuine connections.” He looked off at nothing in particular and gave his response a great deal of thought. “Yet, imagine if such an experiment were orchestrated with the utmost discretion, ensuring that participants engage willingly and authentically.”


“A delicate balance indeed.” She nodded.


If he read Bessie correctly, she was open to the idea. “To ensure success, participants must be carefully selected, and the environment must be conducive to shedding the trappings of their usual roles. The participants must be themselves. You, of all people, are aware of the essence of this hypothetical experiment. Imagine if participants had different social backgrounds, each person with their unique strengths and weaknesses.”


“And what would be the ultimate goal of this experiment? You could never divest the ton of their rules and prejudices.” Bessie leaned in toward him, eager for his answer.


“To demonstrate that shared experiences, values, and aspirations can be common across all strata of society. An opportunity for true understanding and, perhaps, even for connections to flourish into lasting friendships.”


“Are you looking for lasting friendships?” Bessie sat back and stirred her tea.


“I have more than enough lasting friendships and do not need any others.”


She put her spoon down, took a sip of tea, and replaced the cup on its saucer.


“You paint a compelling picture, Nathaniel.” A knowing expression lit her face. “But executing such a venture would require immense finesse and discretion.”


“Finesse, discretion, and perhaps a skilled orchestrator behind the scenes.”


“A maestro of sorts,” Bessie titled her head and studied him carefully, “guiding the experiment toward its outcome?”


“Indeed, a maestro with a vested interest in the harmony of the results.”


“You mentioned you needed my help with a wager.” Bessie brought the subject back to her expertise.


“I’ve mentioned that I discussed this social experiment with my friends.”


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If you could dress up as anything or anyone this Halloween, what or who would it be and why?


Cupid the Matchmaker - Why Cupid? Because if I’m going to spend my days making characters fall in love, I might as well embrace my inner matchmaker and shoot some arrows myself. Plus, who doesn’t love a good pair of wings and a quiver full of sass?


Explain why your featured book is a treat to read:


“The Lyon’s Gambit” offers a delightful blend of wit, charm, and romance, where a steadfast bachelor and a spirited seamstress challenge societal norms and discover that love is the ultimate game worth playing.


Giveaway –


One lucky reader will win a $100 Amazon gift card.



Open internationally.


Runs October 1 – 31, 2024


Drawing will be held on November 1, 2024. 


Author Biography:


Ruth A Casie is a USA Today bestselling author. She writes historical adventures from the shores of medieval Scotland to the cobblestone streets of Regency London. Within the pages, you’ll discover ‘edge-of-your-seat’ suspense, mind-boggling drama, and heart-melting emotions featuring strong women and the men who deserve them. Grab your favorite cup of tea, or an ale if you prefer, and join her heroes and heroines as they race across the pages to find their happily ever after.  Ruth hopes her stories are your next favorite adventures!


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