Title: The Pie Sisters
Author: Leigh Brown & Victoria Corliss
Genre: Women’s Fiction
Book Blurb:
Three sisters, seven days, one lake.
For the Lane sisters, Shelby, Yeardley, and Lily, returning to Aunt Nola’s cottage on Canandaigua Lake for a birthday celebration is like going home.
Now adults, it has been years since their last visit. Eager to escape the realities of their day-to-day lives, the girls jump at the chance to go back. What ensues is a journey that leads the sisters to a better understanding and deeper appreciation of family and home.
Shelby climbed the red brick steps of her Brooklyn home, a menu for dinner forming in her head; something cool and quick, but still filling for Matt. She headed towards the mailbox, grabbing the contents tucked inside it. Still thinking about dinner, she shuffled mindlessly through the mail, stopping short at a letter addressed to her. There was no mistaking the elegant cursive that spelled out her name or the return address in the upper left corner of the envelope. Aunt Nola!
Shelby had not spoken to her aunt in a while. She had been busy, working and moving in with Matt. Still, it was no excuse. “It won’t happen again,” she promised, staring at the letter in her hand. At least she had remembered to send Nola her new address.
Too excited to go inside, Shelby sat on the steps and opened the envelope.
Dearest Shelby,
It has been a long time, too long, since you and your sisters last visited. The lake and I both miss you. You may not know it, but this summer I will be turning sixty-five. My birthday wish this year is for all of my nieces to be here with me, to celebrate.
Just think, one week together at the lake. It would be like old times. I know it’s asking a lot, but I hope you will come and be a part of the lake again for as long as you can. One thing I have learned in my nearly sixty-five years, is that we can’t predict what the future will bring or how much time we have to enjoy it.
Love and kisses,
Aunt Nola
Tears dropped on the expensive stationery. Shelby wiped them away, sniffing at her silliness. Why the tears, girl? Nola’s invitation was a good thing. Like Nola said, it had been too long since Shelby had visited her at the lake. What better way to escape the blistering heat of New York City in mid-July?
Several states away in Massachusetts, Yeardley was finishing up her day at Cooper Ltd., a bag of Doritos and a large glass of Pinot Grigio foremost on her mind. It was Tuesday, and the Real Housewives of Somewhere was on tonight. She couldn’t wait to see who would get into a catfight this week.
The office had pretty much emptied out by the time Yeardley readied to leave. Opening the bottom drawer of her desk, she pulled out her purse. The face of her phone was dark, but she checked it anyway for text or voicemail messages. Nothing. Disappointed, she slung her bag over her shoulder and headed home.
Twenty minutes later, Yeardley drove her baby blue Sonata into the parking lot of her Watertown apartment complex. She parked and walked briskly across the scorching asphalt expanse towards the four-story red brick building she called home. In the lobby, Yeardley unlocked her mailbox and retrieved two envelopes from inside. She flipped through them, praying they weren’t bills. Spotting Aunt Nola’s return address, she slammed the box shut and dashed upstairs to read in private.
Nola’s timing was perfect, as if she had a sixth sense. Tired from work, Yeardley settled on the couch, stretching her long legs on the coffee table in front of her. One week huh? Well, she never could say no to Nola. And she wasn’t about to start now.
In Miami, Lily navigated the crowded streets of South Beach like a pro. Deftly avoiding the rush hour traffic jams and hordes of tourists, she made her way swiftly to Diego’s Miami Tower high-rise home. Like everything else he owned, it was gorgeous. Lily adored every inch of that apartment, all the 3,200-square-feet-of-pure-luxury-design of it. And to her delight, Diego loved having her there, too.
Nola’s letter topped the stack of mail Diego’s housekeeper had left for them on the hall table. Lily paused briefly, the sight of Nola’s handwriting bringing back memories of her aunt’s daily grocery lists and menus. Not to mention chore lists with each of the sisters’ names assigned to at least one but never more than two tasks a day. “All work and no play will make my beautiful girls very, very dull,” Nola would laugh. Lily chuckled softly as she opened the letter.
A celebration. Instantly, she was back at the lake, sitting by a bonfire making s’mores. It was the 4th of July and a perfect day of swimming and barbecuing with neighbors was coming to a close. Fireworks shot brilliantly across the night sky, and to Lily, flopped on the soft grass, her eyes turned toward the heavens, it looked as though the stars were parting, making way for the flashes of color streaking through them. Magical. That was the only way to describe it, to describe all of their summers at the lake with Nola. Miami may have heat and excitement, but it had nothing on Shepardsville and Canandaigua Lake.
“Canandaigua, here I come.” And with that, Lily headed for her closet.
Buy Links (including Goodreads and BookBub):
Barnes & Noble https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-pie-sisters-victoria-corliss/1134592367?ean=9780692312438
Smashwords https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/512170

What’s your favorite activity to shake off the winter doldrums?
Sunshine makes everything better. Whether we’re unwinding on a warm beach or flying down a ski slope, if the sun is out, we are smiling.
Why is your featured book a cure for the winter blues?
For many of us, some of our best memories are of times spent with family and friends, enjoying the warmth and lazy days of summer. The Pie Sisters will immediately bring you to the land of shorts and flip flops, that place and time where the only requirements are to relax, have fun and be happy.
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Runs March 1 – 31
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Author Biography:
Rhode Island writers Leigh Brown and Victoria (Vikki) Corliss are friends who became co-authors in 2009. Soon after, they published their first novel, Second Chances, followed by The Pie Sisters in 2015, and The Pendulum’s Truth in 2018.
Active speakers and book event participants, they are often asked: 1) Are they sisters, and 2) How do they write novels together? In fact, they are sisters in spirit only. To learn more about how their collaboration works, visit their website at www.Browncorlissbooks.com.
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