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5 stars for The Triumph of You: Well-Being, Self-Care and Mindfulness #selfhelp #mindful #bookreview

N. N. Light

Title: The Triumph of You: Well-Being, Self-Care and Mindfulness

Author: Nirva Berthold-Lafontant

Genre: Self-Improvement, Personal Growth, Mindfulness

Book Blurb:

We live in a modern world where we have more responsibilities than we used to have hundreds of years ago. With life becoming more demanding, it can be challenging to incorporate proper self-care into our schedules. Writing this book aims to provide a practical, easy-to-understand guide on practicing self-care, soul-care, and enjoying a work-life balance. Filled with wise quotes, proven self-care strategies, thought-provoking quizzes, and ideas for healthy meals, this is an extraordinary book, ideal for everyone who wants to excel in every area of life.

My Review:

A very well-written approach to helping people help themselves. Overall, the book has many strong points and could assist people in bettering their ways. The messages are not preachy, as a whole. There are some strident points, but this is probably a reflection of deeply held beliefs by the author.

The chapter on optimism is terrific. The points are well made and are some of the secrets to success in life. If you only read one chapter in this self-help, let it be this one. Study these pages. One quick takeaway is the simplicity that life provides opportunities not problems. If you look at change as an opportunity, you will feel better inside.

The chapter on spiritual health is well written. This chapter could help anyone looking for assistance in bettering themselves. A very thoughtful chapter that has a very broad appeal.

I would also highlight the emotional health chapter. There is an excellent attempt to help people dealing with grief. It is an intensely personal journey for most. Any guidance could be helpful. I can concur that turning to alcohol does nothing for dealing with grief impactfully.

A couple of points of contention for myself...

Seems to me, personally, that to resolve to be vegan is more of a New Year's punishment! Hey, what would I do with my five pounds of turkey leftovers??

Gluten-free eating is not a dietary choice for fun or for a fad. If you are suffering from celiac disease, you must eat gluten-free. If you think you are healthy modern and you are torturing your body with this choice, you are making a seriously bad choice.

Fasting is a very dangerous thing for people to do. There are practically no health benefits to this extreme activity. Simply drink more water, get more sleep, and exercise and you will get the benefits you are seeking.

This book is a good addition to the self-help library that exists today. This book comes from a caring place. You have to feel good about reading a self-help book written by someone who genuinely cares about your well-being.

Recommended to all who are seeking to better their lives in simple ways. In general, a common-sense approach for self-help. A book that will help people who need it.

My Rating: 5 stars

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Author Biography:

Nirva Berthold Lafontant is a healthcare revolutionary; melding together her extensive education and experience with her beliefs, Nirva has spent years crafting a healthcare model that addresses the whole person’s needs- mind, body, and spirit. Honing her niche in providing holistic nursing care, Nirva has contributed significantly within her community. Nirva pursued a bachelor’s degree in Nursing at Curry College, a master’s degree in Nursing at Walden University, and a Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing at Walden University. During her research project at Walden University, Nirva conducted a study to examine cultural adaptation through the effects of the length of stay of Haitian Immigrants in the United States of America and acculturation on the immigrants’ Body Mass Index (BMI). Nirva is the author of “The Impact of Acculturation on Body Mass Index in Haitians.” Nirva is also the author of “Proistemi Pre-set to Lead,” “Kayla Stands,” and “The Magical Prayer Room.”

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Reviewed by: Mr. N

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