Timeless Treasures: Three Sisters Island Mysteries
Casi McLean
Time travel cozy mystery
Book Blurb:
From USA Today and Amazon Best Selling Author, Casi McLean, comes another gripping time-travel mystery to keep you hugging onto the edge of your seat.
A hologram on Three Sisters Island whisks Summer into the past where she meets Sydney Monaco, a twenty-first century private investigator who experienced a similar anomaly. To discover where they are––and when––she convinces Sydney to hike through the dense forest...until they witness the gruesome lynching of a young woman.
When the mob leaves, they rescue the victim, but the girl confirms Summer’s greatest fear. How can she convince Sydney the ancient Celtic amulet not only transported her to another location, but it also swept her back in time to 1692 Salem––in the middle of the most histrionic witch hunt in American history.
Summer must discover why the portal thrust her through time into her haunting dreams before a hysterical town hangs them for witchcraft. With no chronometer, she is forced to rely on Sydney’s untested amulet to pluck them from their own lynching and take them home––but the artifact plots its own destination…
Can Summer find a way back to the twenty-first century before time runs out?
*** Though Summer’s story is book two of Three Sisters Island Mysteries, the story stands alone, and draws in Sydney Monaco, a popular character from Casi’s #1 Amazon best seller, Virtually Timeless. Fans will love the twists, turns, and hooks they’ve come to expect from this author.
A flicker flashing in the distance caught Summer’s eye. A campfire? She grabbed Sydney’s arm and whispered, “Did you see that?” Her heart pounded.
Sydney nodded and slid her hand over Summer’s.
Certain the coming moments were why the portal shifted her into 1692, Summer drew on everything she had, praying she’d choose the right words and actions to deal with the situation. Summer halted at the edge of the clearing and held out an arm to stop Sydney from breaking through the shadows and into the clearing. “Shh. Listen. Do you hear those voices?”
Sydney nodded.
Summer whispered, “Stay hidden. Don’t intervene unless we have no other choice.” A flurry of torches grew closer, and she heard muffled voices feeding on each other.
“Samuel, did you see the witch’s face? Can you identify who cast a spell on the children?”
“I saw a witch lurking in the shadows. When the young girls dispersed, a flash of lightning filled the forest and the figure vanished into the dense woods. We shall cast the light of our torches upon this witch.”
Summer shivered. This wasn’t the scene she expected, but something bad was about to go down, and the portal led them to this time and place. Everything depended upon the next few minutes. She swallowed the lump choking in her throat.
A tall man appeared in the middle of the path from nowhere. “Goodmen. I see thou hast returned with the good reverend, Samuel Parris.”
Summer gasped and tensed all her muscles, managing to whisper what she wanted to scream. “Gabe?”
Sydney jerked a stare at her, then clutched her hand and squeezed. “Don’t react. Just watch,” she murmured.
Summer nodded.
Parris halted, raised a hand, and scowled.
The crowd behind him silenced.
“I saw thee leave earlier this night after watching the young girls dance a ritual around the fire.” Gabe looked at the men. “You see, the embers still burn.” He turned and extended an arm in the direction of the campfire.
Lowering his hand, Parris glared. “I know not of you, good sir…or of rituals. What brings thee to our congregation?”
“I am but a man traveling north to escort a poor widow’s return to her family. I came across the curious dancing here tonight on my way to seek a bed in Salem, and I only stopped to rest for a while.”
“Perhaps you, sir, bewitched those girls.” The reverend squinted. “Step closer so these good men might see thy face.”
“I am a stranger to this community, merely passing through and have no business with thee, Reverend.”
“Thou hast no business in these woods at all, sir.”
As the mob stepped closer, Gabe stumbled and fell.
Again, Summer gasped. “He’s hurt, Sydney. He’ll never escape this crazed mob.” She attempted to charge forward, but Sydney’s arm held her firmly in place.
“Stop, Summer. Not yet.”
“This man lied,” Parris shouted. “No traveler passing through could do so with a lame leg.” He ripped Gabe’s pant leg. “This man is the witch I saw lurking in the shadows earlier tonight.”
“Fetter his hands and feet,” a voice rang from the rear. “Take my rope.” A rope flew over the crowd.
Another man tackled and hogtied Gabe.
“Hang him now,” a man called from the middle of the mob. “Back there on the old oak tree.”
They dragged Gabe to the tree and pitched a rope over a low-hanging branch.
“Dear Lord. They’re going to hang him.” Summer pushed back the bile bubbling from her stomach. “We have to stop them. But how?” She dug her fingernails into Sydney’s palm.
“I have an idea,” Sydney whispered. “But there’s no time to waste. Trust me?”
“Do I have a choice?”
Sydney shook her head. “Not unless you have a plan. Just follow my lead.”
“Okay. Go for it.” Summer inhaled a deep breath.
“Wait,” Sydney shrieked, dragging Summer behind her. “This man bewitched our children a week ago in Connecticut. We’ve followed him all this way. Allow us to face him and break the spell.”
The crowd silenced, but the men held tightly to the rope, dangling Gabe from the tree.
“Release this man, so we might place hands upon him,” Sydney demanded, pointing.
“’Tis the only way to break his demonic spell,” Summer added.
The men released the ropes.
Gabe fell to the ground and moaned at the sudden weight on his injury.
Sydney began chanting the Lord’s Prayer.
Summer leaned in close. “Gabe?”
He stared, wide eyed. “Summer?” He whispered. “I’m glad I found you…but what are you doing? These men are about to hang me…and you, too…if they realize you know me.”
“No time to explain. Just trust us.”
Back facing the mob, Sydney kneeled next to Summer and held out her left palm. Her knee pressed against Gabe’s back. “Hold onto my wrist––tightly,” she whispered to Summer in between chanted lines. “Then grab hold of Gabe wherever you can.” With her right hand, Sydney pulled her amulet from beneath her frock and ran a finger over the small diamonds.
Heart racing, Summer grabbed Gabe’s forearm. Sydney’s plan had to work, or they’d all three hang from a noose tonight. A heartbeat later, they vanished into a brilliant burst of ice-blue haze.
Buy Links(including Goodreads and BookBub):
Free to read on Kindle Unlimited!
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Timeless-Treasures-Three-Sisters-Island-Mysteries-Book-ebook/dp/B0B2F86TQV

If you could dress up as anything or anyone this Halloween, what or who would it be and why?
Caitríona Balfe, the heroine of Outlander, so I could slide into her role on set.
Explain why your featured book is a treat to read:
A cozy mystery time slip to 1692 Salem, Massachusetts in the middle of the most histrionic witch hunt in American history––what better Halloween Treat? I love stories that suck me in and don’t let go. Give me books with eerie twist endings, mystical plots, believable time slips, heart-pounding thrillers, or ghostly encounters, and I’ll binge until I devour them. Combine some of those elements, and I’m completely enthralled. If you like time travel cozy mysteries, you’ll love Timeless Treasures.
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Author Biography:
USA Today & Amazon Best Selling Author, Casi McLean, pens novels to stir the soul, crossing genres from ethereal captivating shorts with eerie twist endings to believable time slips, ghostly encounters, mystical plots, heart-pounding thrillers, and sensual romantic suspense--all dusted with a sprinkle of magic. Subscribe to Casi’s newsletter on the top bar of her website at CasiMcLean.com
Known for enchanting stories with magical description, Casi McLean entices readers with fascinating hooks to hold them captive in storylines they can't put down. Her romance entwines strong, believable heroines with delicious, hot heroes to tempt the deepest desires. She fans the flames, sweeping readers into their innermost romantic fantasies. With suspenseful settings and lovable characters, you'll devour, you'll see, hear and feel the magical eeriness of one fateful night. You'll swear time travel could happen, be mystified by a touch of supernatural, feel the heat of romantic suspense, and drawn into gripping thrillers––but most of all you'll want more.
USA Today & Amazon Best Selling Author, Casi McLean, pens novels to stir the soul, crossing genres from ethereal captivating shorts with eerie twist endings to believable time slips, ghostly encounters, mystical plots, heart-pounding thrillers, and sensual romantic suspense--all dusted with a sprinkle of magic. Subscribe to Casi’s newsletter on the top bar of her website at CasiMcLean.com
Known for enchanting stories with magical description, Casi McLean entices readers with fascinating hooks to hold them captive in storylines they can't put down. Her romance entwines strong, believable heroines with delicious, hot heroes to tempt the deepest desires. She fans the flames, sweeping readers into their innermost romantic fantasies. With suspenseful settings and lovable characters, you'll devour, you'll see, hear and feel the magical eeriness of one fateful night. You'll swear time travel could happen, be mystified by a touch of supernatural, feel the heat of romantic suspense, and drawn into gripping thrillers––but most of all you'll want more.
Social Media Links:
Universal Amazon Link http://author.to/CasiMcLeanBooks
Website http://casimclean.com