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4.5 stars for Utopia Found by @hhresearchorg #newagethought #newage #bookreview

N. N. Light

Title: Utopia Found: A Blueprint for Spiritual Renaissance and World Peace

Author: Troy Reicherter

Genre: New Age Thought, New Age, Philosophy

Book Blurb:

If we are to save the planet, we need to think outside the box like never before. Utopia Found rises to meet this epic challenge. It is unlike anything ever written: a journey through the whole of the human experience in search of those special elements of culture that, collectively, have the power to save us. This book offers a brand new paradigm for living peacefully and sustainably on earth. The five sections of the book are: 1. Science and the Search for Truth in the West Explains how the scientific tradition grew from the search for spiritual truth, and explores our basic misconceptions about it. 2. Toward a Multidimensional Understanding of the Universe Explains the inherent limitations of scientific understandings, and provides evidence for metaphysical realities. 3. Jesus Christ and the Worldwide Traditions of Yoga Explains how the life and teachings of Christ can be understood in a larger spiritual context. 4. A Unified Spiritual Culture Compares the similarity of principles and practices from world spiritual traditions to form a framework of common understandings and agreements. 5. Creating a Spiritual Renaissance Describes how we can form spiritual communities that bring people from different races and religions together, and use this template to create a peaceful, sustainable future. This groundbreaking book is what the world needs more than ever at this critical juncture, providing a sane alternative to our current dystopian path. This is a way to save ourselves, transform our planet in a new image, and achieve our unlimited potential as beings of light.

My Review:

This is a book that is more than the simple self-help kind of book. This is one person’s plea for man to take steps to better itself in some fashion. This book has a cardinal goal that is simply we can’t survive long if we keep living like this. To that end, the author put together a well-researched book to back up one person’s idea of how the fix can be done. Utopia in the title is probably the best word for this book.

The absolute key point this author makes is simple yet profound. Science is an incredible tool but only can be fully used if man has the wisdom to use it properly. Another valid point is science is not alone the sole answer to everything as science doesn't have the answer to everything.

In terms of his third chapter, simply for the record, I disagree with the basis of the theory in this chapter. I leave it up to the individual reader to get what they can from this segment.

The biggest part of this book is undoubtedly chapter 4. The amount of research done into historic religious and philosophic documents is impressive. The author managed to go over a commendable amount of study to find points that support his premise. There is an intellectual issue that can and has come up in this process. When faced with a strictly philosophical point to support, there is a danger to cherry-pick your evidence. That is seen here. The points made, for example, from the study of Jewish religious literature support the author. Another scholar could take the same documents and find exact examples to prove all the books examples false. It is very tough to get purely philosophic evidence to support what is, only in the end, a philosophy.

There is one terrific point made in this work - there are many paths to the Light. There is no one path and there is no one way to worship. All paths to the Light are legit. The thirty principles listed are very relatable for people and if only 1/3 of them were adapted the world would be a better place. The thirty things to do... I have to agree to disagree with at least one of them as I like philly cheesesteak sandwiches.

The final concept for fixing the world’s issues took me back to the world of the 1960’s. I admire the concept of communes as the be-all and end-all. The review of various communes in the last 70 years would not give someone a lot of confidence that this concept will work today.

A unique book with a unique message. I think if you are troubled by the state of the world and are looking for a somewhat Eastern-based theoretical fix – this book is for you. If you are a follower of one of the Eastern religions/philosophies, you will enjoy this book.

My Rating: 4.5 stars

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Author Biography:

After getting a degree in history, Troy studied Chinese and Chinese culture in Taiwan for five years. He studied traditional Chinese medicine in Kunming and San Francisco. He has been a history teacher for 17 years.

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Reviewed by: Mr. N

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