Vintage: A Vampire Romance
Laura M. Baird
Paranormal Romance
Book Blurb:
Reginald Cast and Charlotte Tremmington share forbidden love. He's a slave in 1860. She's a plantation owner's daughter. After one glorious night together, their world is ripped apart.
When given the choice of immortality by the mysterious Syre, along with the promise of being reunited with his lost love, Reginald takes it. ...even if it means waiting until the end of time to be together.
Renata Charles, a modern-day estate sales director, is enchanted by a vintage yellow dress that spurs vivid daydreams of another time. She soon learns the visions are glimpses of herself in another lifetime and Reginald was her lover.
When the past comes back to haunt them, their chance at forever is threatened.
Will Reginald save his beloved and finally put an end to the evil trying to keep them apart?
Can Renata come to terms with who she is and accept eternal love?
Prologue – December 1860
Reginald Cast wept without shame while kneeling on the snow-covered ground, his pitiful wails competing with the howling wind. Fingers-turned-to-ice gripped the frigid monument he pressed his head against, as he tried to conjure images that usually warmed his soul.
Sparkling blue eyes, strawberry blonde hair, and a sunshiny smile given freely to everyone she met. His lively Charlotte Tremmington.
Until seven days ago. The amount of time that had passed since she’d been viciously ripped from his world. Her light snuffed, no longer able to glow with endless joy.
When he’d discovered the true cause of her demise, his rage had kept him from landing in the ground alongside her. Although he would’ve gladly rested beside the one he loved if it meant meeting her spirit in Heaven. But he knew that would never happen. Rest beside her, that is. He, a lowly slave, buried in the Tremmington family cemetery, one of the elite families in the Richmond, Virginia area. Even now the thought caused him to scoff amid his cries. Never mind the Tremmingtons were the kindest people he’d ever known. Unlike those he served.
The Barclays.
Julius Barclay, son of plantation owner, Simmion Barclay. Julius, the man responsible for the death of Reginald’s beloved Charlotte.
Anger and hatred burned anew, causing Reginald to grit his teeth and squeeze the cold stone so hard he thought for sure it’d crumble at his feet.
The story told was that she’d taken a tumble down the stairs in her home which broke her neck. An unfortunate freak accident. Like hell, he thought. Charlotte had been the most agile and graceful person he’d ever met. Even when wearing what she deemed as damnable cumbersome attire.
A sobbing laugh broke through his torment. Charlotte had always been able to make him guffaw at what others thought to be impropriety. Regardless of stating her mind and at times using language thought to be unbecoming of a genteel woman, Charlotte had been class through-and-through. She’d been kind and respectful, intelligent and compassionate.
And she’d been murdered by Julius. An evil man intent on having her. And when she refused him, even learning she loved another, his anger and carelessness had seen to it no one else would have her. He had no remorse, for he wouldn’t have his reputation ruined by others finding out he’d been passed over for a slave.
Reginald knew these details because they’d been spewed in his face while being whipped mercilessly.
With steely resolve, he lifted his face, bracing the bitter weather as he stared at the script on the tombstone.
“I love you, Charlotte,” he began, his voice filled with heartbreak. “I will end Julius and live in the hope of seeing you at the end of whatever journey God lays out before me.” He pressed his lips against the scroll of her name then rose, keeping his gaze on the words carved into stone for eternity.
Beloved daughter, loved by all.
Reginald clenched his fists and turned. He jerked in surprise when he came face to face with a beautiful stranger he hadn’t heard approach. Flaming red hair and a black cape billowed in the wind as glowing amber eyes locked on his.
“Who are you?” he asked carefully.
“Someone who can give you control of your journey. Someone who can guarantee you’ll see your love once again.”
Reginald started to rebuke her words but the sight of fangs appearing below her upper lip had his breath stalling while his eyes widened.
“Will you take a chance to change your fate?”
The gentle manner of this woman yet the conviction in her voice had Reginald grasping at a flicker of lost emotion.
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What’s your favorite activity to shake off the winter doldrums?
Dream about being on a beach in Fiji! If anyone’s thinking of buying me a birthday gift (my birthday’s in March!) I’m a size two one-way tickets to Fiji. But seriously, in the PNW, we get a mix of rain/snow/ice, so plenty of time is spent inside writing and reading. On good days, hubby and I are walking our lane and making plans for our next road trip.
Why is your featured book a cure for the winter blues?
Whether you’re comfy inside to escape the cold or sitting by the water soaking up the sun, Vintage is the perfect steamy novella in which to escape. From start to finish, it’s a page-turner, transporting you from Colonial America to present-day, full of emotion and longing.
Giveaway –
One lucky reader will win a $100 Amazon gift card.
Open internationally.
Runs March 1 – 31, 2025
Drawing will be held on April 1, 2025.
Author Biography:
Now retired from twenty-four years of dental hygiene, Laura can concentrate on family and writing. A veteran of the US Army, she weaves a military element into many of her stories, bringing readers passion and suspense with a dash of humor.
Published since 2017, she offers over thirty romances, ranging from from YA to Seasoned Romance. She’s been honored to have become an award winning and Amazon bestselling author with no plans to slow down.
She’s enjoying life with family in the PNW with her own alpha hero of over thirty-four years. She and hubby hope to travel the US, living the RV life.
Laura loves engaging with readers and encourages you to visit her website where you can sign up for her newsletter and receive the start of her military romance series for free.
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