Title: Walk the Plank (Walk the Walk Book 1)
Author: Marilyn Barr
Genre: Paranormal Historical Romance, Pirate Romance
Book Blurb for Walk the Plank:
Branko learns he will be sold into slavery when they dock in Charles Town, so he doesn’t hesitate to jump ship onto a neighboring sloop in the harbor. This boat will weigh anchor with him at the helm–once he decides what to do with the lady chained in the cargo hold who claims she’s a vampire.
Magda Dashkovari’s body has been given to science while she’s still living in it. Her prayers are answered when a pirate boards her boat, but she should have asked for her rescuer to be less bloodthirsty than she is…
Scientists hunt her in town, plantation owners hunt him from the north and south, Blackbeard blocks Charles Town Harbor to the east, and a war rages between settlers and natives to the west. These unlikely allies will have to link together to escape a life in chains…but will their trust in each other endure their journey to freedom?
Excerpt from Walk the Plank:
“Who is Blackbeard?” My heart skips a beat at her naivete. Her accent is foreign, so I forgive the slight. Unfortunately, she takes the opening to worm her way further into my mind. “We got off to a poor start. I am Magda Dashkovari, and I am a vampire.”
My disbelief bubbles like a good ale as we reach the deck. Gut-busting, belly-aching, side-stitching laughter brings tears to my eyes. From a madman captain who masquerades as a demon to a madwoman boat owner who masquerades as a vampire—I can pick ’em, can’t I? She wraps her wrist with furious revolutions while I wipe my tears.
“I don’t care what you are,” I tell her, “as long as you are leaving.”
“I could drain you.”
“I could throw you overboard.”
“I’m staying.”
“—in Charles Town Harbor, and this boat is leaving.”
“I will sink this boat before I let you return it to my husband! Whatever he has promised in reward is a lie. Once you are in his harbor, one of his minions will drain you—”
“Oh, he’s a vampire, too. Is there a whole colony waiting for me somewhere? Listen, sea hag, I don’t know your husband, and the last thing in my future is to return his boat.”
Buy Links for Walk the Plank (including Goodreads and BookBub):

If money were no object, where would you go for a Spring Break vacation and why?
If money were no object, I would go on a space cruise. I think the telescope pictures of the planets and nebulae are beautiful and seeing them for myself would be a dream come true. Landing on a planet or the moon would be a little too scary for me because I have read too many science fiction books and seen too many alien, horror films. I don’t need to come face-to-face with interstellar, intelligent life to enjoy the magnificence of the stars.
Why is your featured book a must-read this spring?
Walk the Plank kicks off a brand-new vampire romance series, Walk the Walk. This trilogy takes readers on a heart-pounding adventure on the high seas with Magda the vampiress. They will travel back in time to 1718 and live the history at the end of the golden age of piracy with Branko, the former ratline climber on Blackbeard’s boat. When a deal goes bad, he takes readers on the run through Charles Town Harbor where he finds love in addition to freedom. Do you have the sea legs to weigh anchor with swashbuckling action, pirate lingo, and steamy romance? Then you are ready to Walk the Plank.
Giveaway –
One lucky reader will win a $75 Amazon US or Canada gift card
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Runs April 1 – 30
Drawing will be held on May 2.

Author Biography:
Marilyn Barr currently resides in the wilds of Kentucky with her husband, son, and rescue cats. She has a diverse background containing experiences as a child prodigy turned medical school reject, published microbiologist, special education/inclusion science teacher, homeschool mother of a savant, certified spiritual/energy healer, and advocate for the autistic community. This puts her in the position to bring tales containing heroes who are regular people with different ability levels and body types, in a light where they are powerful, lovable, and appreciated.
When engaging with the real world, she is collecting characters, empty coffee cups, and unused homeschool curricula. She is a sucker (haha) for cheesy horror movies, Italian food, punk music, black cats, bad puns, and all things witchy.
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