Title: What to Expect When You’re Expecting Something Different
Author: Katie Zaber
Genre: Paranormal Romance / Urban Fantasy
Book Blurb:
It’s weird how every woman reacts differently. How each pregnancy differs.
Mine is definitely unique.
My sense of smell became stronger, picking up the faintest odors, and my stomach was in constant turmoil. Those were the first signs.
And then I started eating. And eating. If I don’t, I get a migraine and people’s faces become blurry. Electronics seem to malfunction in my presence. And the nightmares—they don’t stop.
Something is changing my body.
Something that should have never happened.
Something that my husband and I had prevented from happening.
Something people say is miraculous.
The bigger I get, the more frequently I encounter people who become possessed. And the more often I wind up questioning if I am carrying a miracle baby.
The closer I get to the due date, the more I love this child and the more confident I am that I will protect my baby from anything.
Even its fate.
DNA Demons N Angels contains violence, swearing, and sex scenes. If you are looking for a clean, curse free book, this isn’t it.
My Review:
DNA: What to Expect When You Are Expecting Something Else by Katie Zaber kept me guessing from page one to the end. I must warn readers that this book does end on a cliffhanger and thank goodness, DNA II was published on July 23. 2023. The book centers around the question what if an immaculate conception happened today? Our heroine, Eve, has her dink (double income no kids) lifestyle upended when she finds she’s pregnant. The pregnancy symptoms and the fruit-sized nicknames she had for her baby were my favorite part of the book. Through Eve, I reminisced about my pregnancy with my son—a true gift from the author to the reader. Anyone who has carried a child will love this book for that alone.
I also loved the realistic reactions of Jim, Eve’s husband. He’s had a vasectomy and doesn’t believe Eve never cheated. He was my favorite character in the book (except when he doesn’t stand up for Eve to his rude family.) Despite loving her, he lets her go. I loved the interplay between the pair as their marriage crumbles. It was grounded in reality without exaggeration. What man would believe such a story and stick around when they never wanted fatherhood in the first place?
I also loved how Eve didn’t reconcile with Jim after the test proved she didn’t cheat. He didn’t believe her so she, knowing her worth, moved on. This is where the story picks up. There are random strangers throughout the book who deliver messages to Eve in the creepiest ways. Voice changes, heads spinning all the way around, and eyes rolling back, these people are momentarily possessed. The book was like walking through a haunted house where a scare would jump out at you when you least expect it. Couple the paranormal scares with mysterious black cars following her everywhere, and stakes skyrocket one-third through the book.
When a mysterious stranger, Lucas, makes her wildest dreams come true, I was more skeptical of his intentions than Eve. I kept waiting for the billionaire with the hots for a pregnant stranger, to be evil. Is he a demon, guardian angel, or part of the mysterious group following her? I was more worried than the characters in the book.
With all the twists and scares, you would think this book was a page-turner. Unfortunately, it is not. The author goes into incredible detail in describing the food, clothes, and cars around Eve. With all the attention to detail, I waited for them to be foreshadowing or clues to Lucas’s identity. Neither was the case and I found myself skipping descriptive paragraphs to get back to the action.
Overall, I enjoyed DNA: What to Expect When You Expect Something Else. I identified with the realistic characters and loved small scares. I recommend this book to mothers who like thrillers with a touch of romance.
My Rating: 5+ stars
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Author Biography:
Katie Zaber, author of the series Dalya and DNA, is a fantasy author whose imagination knows no bounds. As a child, her parents read stories about Atlantis and other fictional places that she dreamed of exploring, fueling her love of history, adventure, and fantasy. She loves to spend what little free time she has winemaking, baking, and reading. When she has a full day to herself, you can find her at the beach or at a winery. Her favorite meals are the ones her boyfriend cooks, and she loves spending quiet nights at home with him, binge watching new fantasy shows or play video games.
Social Media Links:
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Reviewed by: Patty