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  • N. N. Light

Yours...Mine...Always by @CadenceVonn is a Love and Romance Festival pick #eroticromance #giveaway



Genre: Erotic Romance

Book Blurb:

Laura Barrett is a strong and determined woman. After surviving an attack by a sadistic stalker, she avoids relationships and focuses on her job, and most of all, her painting. Living day to day, she doesn’t believe in all that nonsense about karma…until her world spins upside down and she ends up in the arms of a stranger.

Jonathan is the last Blacke brother without a partner. Unlike his siblings, he proclaims he’ll take his time falling in love—if ever. When he rescues Laura, his body betrays his conviction to stay single. He’ll protect her with his life if necessary. Sex with her is off the charts, but she’ll bolt and take his heart if the danger chasing her threatens his family.

Destiny is a powerful force. It’ll take all his connections and sexual creativity to convince her to believe in fate…and his love.


Jonathan wanted to see her face. See if she sang to him or just followed the song playing in her ears. The chorus blew him away. Oh, my god, I think I’m in love with you. He moved into her line of sight and stilled. She turned to him, and the timid smile she gave him set his heart into high gear.

She pulled off the ear buds. “I couldn’t sleep.”

“Me neither.” He took another step closer. Damn, she looked sexy in her flannel bottoms and t-shirt. Her hair gleamed in the glow of the overhead spot. Long, soft curls hung down over her shoulders and rested right above her breasts. He swallowed. She was braless, and her nipples pressed against the fabric.

“What were you singing?” He struggled to lift his gaze to hers.

She bit her lip and let out a slow breath. “A Tim Halperin song.”

“I don’t think I’ve heard of him.”

“He was a contestant on American Idol. I loved his voice, so I downloaded his song.”

“And the one before it?”

Laura giggled. “Miley.”

“Really? I didn’t think she sang any love songs.”

“It’s one of the few.”

“You have a lovely voice. Can I see what you’re working on?”

“No. But you can pull up the stool and sit right where you’re standing.”

He shrugged, moved the stool, and sat, stretching out his left leg and pulling the right one up to rest on the top rung. Laura walked over to him and moved his arms so they relaxed on the half-lap his leg created. She ran her fingers through his hair, giving it a tousled look. Her hard nipples were eye level, and he held his body rigid, controlling his desire to reach out and pull her close.

“Don’t move. You can talk to me, but try to hold still.” She returned to her seat and started to make frantic lines with the pencil in her hand. She’d glance his way, study him for a minute, then concentrate on the drawing.

He tried to focus on her mouth, ear, hair, anything but the glimpse of skin he got when she raised her arm and the sleeve of her shirt gapped enough to show the side of her breast. “I thought you were going to paint the view from the mill?”

“I will, but I haven’t taken any pictures, and you popped into my mind. So I started to sketch you from memory. This is better. I can get the proportions of your face correct. Just another minute, and you can move.”

With a flurry of arm movements Jonathan tried to ignore, Laura finally looked up and smiled. “Thanks. You’re going to be fun to paint.”

“Will you sing those songs to my picture while you work? I liked the words.”

Her eyes darted back and forth as if reading the lyrics in her head. The pink rush of color covered her neck and cheeks. Yep, subconsciously, she’d been singing to him.

“I like to sing as I work. I’m usually alone.”

“You’re welcome to load your playlists on the system so you can have surround sound.”

“Thanks, but when I wear my ear buds, it helps me tune out distractions around me.”

He moved to her side and looked at her sketch. His face filled the surface of the page. “Wow. You’ll transfer this to canvas.”

“Actually, for your face, I’ll use a five by seven surface. You demand something larger than life.” At that moment, the storm outside battered the windows with rain. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. “I hate storms,” she mumbled.

“I have the perfect solution.” He moved to his desk, where he pulled out a bag of soft earplugs. “I use these with some of the power tools I work with. Stuff them in your ears, and you won’t hear a thing.”

Laura studied the two soft plugs he laid in her hand. She pushed them around then looked up at him. “No, thanks. I couldn’t sleep with ear plugs.”

He closed her fingers around them. “Come on. I’ll help.” He clicked off the light as he led her into his bedroom. “I’ll protect you. Crawl up on the other side.” He slipped into his bathroom and changed into his flannel pajama bottoms. He didn’t want to shock her by sleeping naked like he normally did. When he returned, she still stood inside the door.

He gave her a pat on her bottom, and she moved around the bed. Both excitement and fear warred across her face. He slipped under the covers on his side and flipped back the quilt in front of her, waiting for her to make up her mind.

She met his gaze and sighed. The rain pelted the windows in the room, making her stiffen. Without hesitating further, she climbed into the bed and cuddled down into the cool sheets. She opened her hand and looked at the earplugs.

“Just stuff them in your ears. I’ll just say goodnight now, before you can’t hear me.” He leaned down and grazed his lips over hers. “Goodnight, princess. Put them in and cuddle up to my body. You’ll be safe.”

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What’s your favorite part about being a romance author?

My favorite part about being a romance writer is creating a world for my hero and heroine where they can explore their desires for each other; knowing they’ll always have sizzling sex scenes, overcome any obstacle, and end with a happily ever after.

Here’s my tip to add romance to your love life:

Make your kisses long and your arguments short.


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Open internationally

Runs February 1 – 28, 2021.

Drawing will be held on March 1, 2021.

Author Biography:

Cadence has a BFA in photography and silversmithing. She is an accomplished doodler and daydreamer who discovered she enjoys writing down the stories that dance in her head. After many years in Pennsylvania, her dream came true. She now resides with her husband on an island in the beautiful Pacific Northwest. She wakes every morning to a sunrise over the Puget Sound where each day she’s inspired by the beauty. Available books:

Play A Game With Me

The Perception Game

The Blacke Brothers Novels

Revving Her Heart

From Denver to Forever

Until We Get It Right


Who Knew…It Takes Two!

Who Knew…His Friend Would Do!

Beautiful Will Do

Fantasy Lover

A Choice & Consequence Novel


Houston (Spring of 2021

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1 Comment

N. N. Light
N. N. Light
Feb 19, 2021

Thank you, Cadence, for sharing your book in our Love and Romance Book Festival!

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