Every year, we read incredible books, books so moving, they deserve to be gilded in gold. We're fresh out of gold but we still honor them through the N. N. Light Book Awards. This year, it was so hard to pick the finalists, much less the winners. Mr. N had his favorites and Mrs. N had hers. So, without further ado, here are the finalists:
Contemporary Romance
Betting on Cinderella by Petie McCarty
When the Right One Comes Along by Livia Quinn
Escape From Behruz by Judy Meadows
The Ghost Chronicles 2 by Marlo Berliner
The Cauldron Stirred (Guardians of Erin, #1) by Judith Sterling
Spirit Talk by Colleen Hein
Path of the Traitors (LOW) by Charles E. Yallowitz
Kitchen Imps by A. L. Butcher
Escape From Samsara: A Dark Comedy Fantasy Adventure (Prophecy Allocation Book 1) by Nicky Blue
Historical Romance
Earl of Sunderland (Wicked Earls' Club #4) by Aubrey Wynne
Shadow of the Swan by Judith Sterling
When the Marquess Returns by Alanna Lucas
Historical Fiction
Stone Circle by Kate Murdoch
Searching for Gertrude by D.E. Haggerty
The Du Lac Prophecy by Mary Anne Yarde
The Road to Armageddon by Clabe Polk
Gallows Field by Brendan Gerad O'Brien
Game Six by Judy Bruce
Malthus Revisited (Lindsey McCall #4) by Lin Wilder
Fire on the Mountain: A Detective Mike Eiser Novel by Clabe Polk
Centrifugal Force by Lisa J. Lickel
Romantic Suspense
Gray’s Promise by Anni Fife
Smoke and Mirrors (Outbreak Task Force Book 2) by Julie Rowe
The Haunting of Hillwood Farm by Kathryn Knight
California Cures!: How the California Stem Cell Program Is Fighting Your Incurable Disease! by Don C Reed
The Inspiring Tale of Sir Edmund Hillary (Inspiring Tales) by Tory Locker
Everyday Enchantments by Maria F. DeBlassie
Young Adult
The Stronghold by Sebastian Bendix
Tainted Luck by Cynthia Austin
The Broken Branches by Becky Villareal
Erotic Romance
In Deep by Stacy Gold
Playing With Power by Vanessa Liebe
Paranormal Romance (two-way tie for third)
Debriefing the Dead by Kerry Blaisdell
Haunted Hearts by Kimberly Dean
Oath of a Warrior by Mary Morgan
Rogue Dragon Rising, part one (Outside the Veil #1) by T.J. Shaw
Science Fiction/Science Fiction Romance
The IX: Prelude to Sorrow by Andrew P. Weston
Undercurrents in Time (Detours in Time #2) by Pamela Schloesser Canepa
Operation Ark (Pets in Space #3) by Pauline Baird Jones
Women’s Fiction
Once Broken by D.M. Hamblin
Children’s Fiction
The Checkered War: An Infested Story in Three Parts by Aunt Haggis
Mrs. Murray’s Ghost (Piccadilly Street #1) by Emily-Jane Hills Orford
Hockey Wars by Ben and Sam
Holiday Romance
Dante's Gift (A Chicago Christmas #1) by Aubrey Wynne
A Highland Moon Enchantment by Mary Morgan
The winners will be announced on Tuesday, December 18th. Good luck to all the finalists.